Asset Management Jobs Geneva
For ambitious, high-skilled financial services professionals, asset management jobs present an appealing mix of features. The work is highly-skilled, requiring managers to negotiate a complex network of factors. The opportunities available in this relatively new field are manifold, particularly in a financial hub like Geneva.
Asset management professionals work closely with clients throughout the process of acquiring, monitoring and evaluating assets. The asset managers role is to optimise company performance, with regard to both physical assets and abstract assets, such as internal competence, good will and finance. A strong asset manager will have a deep knowledge of many different corporate disciplines and be able to tailor that knowledge to the needs of each client.
Equity Portfolio Management
Multi Strategy Asset Allocation
Buy Side Equity Research
Investment Management - Equity and Fixed Income
Fixed Income Portfolio Management
Institutional Sales and Management
Prime Brokerage
Emerging Markets Coverage
Risk Management & Compliance
Endless Opportunities
Geneva is an international hub, home to many international institutions, financial companies and banks. It is the third most significant financial centre in Europe, following London and Zurich. As a result it is the ideal location for a career in asset management, providing opportunities to work with high-level clients and build valuable networks. Geneva is also among the best cities in the world when it comes to standard of living.